Saturday, May 14, 2005

Desire, hidden in a Wrapper

I sit in a box of desire, wrapped up dazzling
Waiting for passerby's to pick me up.
I taste scrumptious, that people find it hard to resist
I come in different color and shapes and flavors
And I'm wrapped in a wrapper ...

Juvenile like me, adults hate me, and elderly discard me
I sit in the box, teasing all the young ones
Testing their desires to let lose and to pick me up
Can you resist your desires, from dazzling, scrumptious?
I sit there to be picked up …

Humans can't resist their desire, but their experience do so,
As they mature they defy such temptations,
temptations that are wrapped around me, the desire.
Every time, I see a wrapper dazzling in air,
I smile to myself not anymore; I know what's behind the wrapper
the hidden chocolate , the concealed desire….

- Haha (Written on May 14th, 11:30 am est)

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