Friday, August 12, 2011


Born in the world of transformation
Realized bit late, life had already started,
been manipulated and put in a fishbowl

Thoughts ran wildly, tried to change my designs,
dream of jumpin the bowl and start a new life
all looked hopeless in a fishbowl

We were left singing high
"we didn't start the fire, It was always burning,
Since the world's been turning"

We all are evloving, transforming into in-human practices
it's a process, its inevitable, no man
can reverse it, but be part of transformation....

Save - Ctrl+S

You can't save anything in this world
yet you press "Ctrl+s" on your keyboard
It doesn't belong to you, yet you try saving
you can't take it with you, yet you want to save
you have no control over it, but you like to save
you can't just hold it let it go
you can't save this world, you have to let it go
Try not to save but be part of this life
Life is all about experiencing and not saving...

Stop N Go Smiles

Autumn is here, faded leaves look down
as the last rain sweeps the ground
Over the horizon, sun sets with the evening traffic
People rushing to be united with family

Rush hour, speedy vehicles drive by,
You come to stand still, to let others go by
Another intersection brings me to a stop
letting passer-by cross to their destiny

Watching the crowd, my eyes
meet with another eagerly looking eyes
there stopped my heartbeat to the passer-by's smile
It's green gotta go, but I do think abt the smile

Share a smile on your face after office hours
It cheers up travellers, bring your smile
at every stop and intersections
and let the smile travel its way

I eagerly wait at every intersections and stops
for that one good smile that keeps the hope
Waiting for a stop and go smile

Owls of IT

It's Dark, time for night birds
I'm travelling, traffic is calm, weather is colder
Sitting in concrete jungle, waiting for prey
hearing to IT phone rings, wondering why am I working so late

We are the flying birds of the night, we fly together
at times all alone, in the Citi which never sleeps
Moon is our new sun, Instant messages are our distant friends
We live here and work there, wondering why i work so late

Our parents are flashback, our kids are dreams
Our jobs pushes our clocks
We are the IT Owls and we gladly accept being the night riders

Other Side of Outsourcing

Ding dong bell
Is ram(a) in the cell?
Ask him to get his dell
Let's chat to gel
I consult my client and tell
to buy the software, now I'm able to sell
Else my mortgage will be in hell
and I will be in deep well
So I sit here and yell
wake up ram(a), its ringing ...